Prof. Eva Gilboa-Schechtman


    My research focuses on understanding and treatment of anxiety and depression.   I am especially fascinated by the ways non-verbal cues and ordinary social rebuffs combine to maintain social anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.  I take a multi-method approach by measuring  phenomenological, cognitive, behavioral, and biological indices of emotional responses. 
    I am also interested in developing and testing effective treatments, and understanding the mechanisms behind their effectiveness.  Together with collaborators, I have examined the efficacy of cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic interventions for social anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorders.


    Why are some people acutely uncomfortable in the presence of others? What makes it difficult for us to recover from interpersonal rejection? 
    What makes "being looked down upon" so painful?  
    Is pain from social rejection different from pain from a physical harm?  
    Can we train ourselves to face our critics with more calmly?  

    The power of non-verbal cues: We examine individuals' reactions to emotionally charged facial expressions and postures using cognitive, behavioral, and brain imaging techniques.

    The pain of social rejection:  We look at subjective, cognitive, and hormonal indices of reactivity to  understand the dynamics of emotional reaction to social stress.


    Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    This course is designed to gain personal and direct experience with the philosophy, theory, and practice of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).  Readings and lectures will address theory, assessment (as it relates to treatment), and intervention techniques.  In-class activities will include lectures, case presentations,  theoretical presentation, and therapy    simulations. 
    The course will also address the empirical evaluation  of  behavior therapies and provide background in critically evaluating therapy research. Another objective of the course is to encourage you to think critically about your clinical work, and to do the same for the research literature that bears on this work.  
    Although this course will in no way provide a comprehensive coverage  of thecognitive-behavioral tradition, it is intended to provide an introduction to this area of psychotherapy and to prepare students to  further explore these therapies on their own and in subsequent supervised practica.

    Practicum in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    In this practical course, we use cognitive behavioral  and other empirically based treatments to alleviate the suffering of individuals with various emotional disorders.

    Last Updated Date : 01/02/2024